Parish of the Holy Family

4100 Lyell Road, Rochester, New York 14606, United States
The Parish of the Holy Family, Gates, New York, Monroe County
4100 Lyell Road
Rev. Steven Lape, Pastor
Rev. Martin Xuan Truong, CRM, Parochial Vicar
Deacon Binh-Yen Nguyen
Deacon Patrick Shanley
Mass Schedule
Weekend Mass
Saturday: 4PM
Sunday 9AM, 11:30AM (Vietnamese/Bilingual Mass) 5PM
Weekday Masses:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 9AM
Thursday: 7:30AM
Vietnamese Weekday Masses: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 6PM
Saturday: 8AM
Confession Times
Saturday 9-10 AM or BY APPOINTMENT 247-4322 X101
Media Links:
- Weekly Bulletin
- Website:
- Facebook:
This directory is maintained by the Department of Pastoral Services for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester.
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