Urban Ministry

Michael Sauter
Diocesan Director
Department of Pastoral Services
585-328-3228, ext. 1337


We believe that the urban Church of Rochester is a blessing to the Diocese because it finds itself in the midst of the poor, and composed of communities colorful in their diversity of race, culture, language, education, social and financial status.

We believe that our work is to build communities of faith that are open, welcoming, warm and pastoral, and we offer hospitality to all who live in our urban neighborhoods and those who choose to worship with us because they strongly share our vision of community and ministry.

We are communities committed to Jesus in accord with Matthew 25, we offer our time, resources and presence to our neighborhoods, choosing to walk with its people and face with them the many challenges of survival and healing.  This draws us into advocacy for our brothers and sisters as we struggle together for justice and non-violence.

We see ourselves as one with all Diocesan faith communities in their commitment to a preference for the poor, and as voices calling the Diocesan church to attend to the needs of the least among us.  Our communities are magnets drawing people who do not live in the city to minister in the city.

Because we are an integral part of the Church of Rochester, we choose to work together with our Bishop in assuring a Loving, Living, and Lasting presence of the Church in the urban setting.

 Click on the icon to download the Vision Statement for Urban Ministry.

Mapping America: Every City, Every Block - Browse national and local data from the 2018 Census Bureau's American Community Survey. Because these figures are based on samples, they are subject to a margin of error, particularly in places with a low population, and are best regarded as estimates.