Parish of the Most Holy Name of Jesus
Parish of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, a multi-site parish in Elmira, New York, Chemung County
St. Patrick Church | 604 Park Place, Elmira, NY
Ss. Peter and Paul Church | 556 St. Joseph Blvd. Elmira NY
Our Lady of Lourdes Church | 1100 W. Church St, Elmira, NY
St. Casimir Church & Faith Formation Center | 1000 Davis St., Elmira, NY
Perpetual Adoration Chapel | 1012 Davis St., Elmira, NY
St. Mary Church | 224 Franklin St, Elmira, NY
Rev. Scott Kubinski, Pastor
Rev. Rick Farrell, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Walter Wainwright, Senior Priest, Assisting
Deacon Joseph Erway, Pastoral Associate
Deacon Alberto Pacete
Deacon Paul Sartori
Deacon George Welch
Mass Schedule
Saturday 4pm, St. Mary’s
Sunday 7:30 am, St. Patrick's
Sunday 9:00 am, St. Mary's
Sunday 10:30am, St. Patrick’s
Monday – Friday 8am in St. Patrick’s
The livestream is accessible on Facebook: or from webpage:
Confession Times
See schedule posted in bulletin
Every Saturday: St. Mary's Church from 2:45 to 3:45 pm.
Media Links:
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