St. Monica

831 Genesee Street, Rochester, New York 14611, United States
St. Monica/Emmanuel Church of the Deaf, Rochester, Monroe County
Cluster (Immaculate Conception/St. Bridget's)
Rev. Raymond Fleming, Pastor
Deacon Patrick Graybill
Deacon Brian McNulty
Deacon Matthew Dudek
Mass Schedule
Saturday: 4:00 PM
Sunday: 10:15 AM, 11:30 AM (Emmanuel Church of the Deaf)
Weekdays: Tuesday & Thursday @ 12:10 PM, Wednesday & Friday @ 8:00 AM
Livestream Schedule
Posted weekly on YouTube in American Sign Language with English voicing.
Confession Times
Please check the bulletin for details.
Media Links:
This directory is maintained by the Department of Pastoral Services for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester.
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