Hispanic Ministry and Migrant Ministry

Michael Sauter
Diocesan Director
Department of Pastoral Services
585-328-3228, ext. 1337

Elizabeth M. Johnston
Coordinator of Life Issues & Cultural Ministries
Department of Pastoral Services
585-328-3228, ext. 1278

Carmen Z. Rollinson
Project Manager
Department of Pastoral Services
585-328-3228, ext. 1318




Rev. Jesús Flores
Diocesan Coordinator
Office of Migrant Ministry
585-328-3228, ext. 1354

Luci Romero
Regional Coordinator
Wayne County
Office of Migrant Ministry

Jorge Salgado
Regional Coordinator
Monroe & Livingston Counties

Office of Migrant Ministry
585-328-3228, ext. 1340

Rev. Brendan Buckley, OFM Cap.
Regional Coordinator
Cayuga & Tompkins Counties
Office of Migrant Ministry

Hispanic Ministry

Our Mission

We, the Hispanic community of the Diocese of Rochester, commit ourselves to:

  • proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom of God;
  • celebrate the Eucharist which call us together in community, nurtures our faith, and sends us in mission;
  • actively participate in civic and ecclesial life by sharing our traditions, gifts, and values.

Core Values

Community – We form communities that live in fraternity and foster the dignity of the family and a passion for life.

Tradition – We live a deep experience of faith and an authentic spirituality, inspired by the witness of our Catholic Hispanic culture.

Service – In the spirit of mission, we seek to reach out to those who are alienated, poor and marginalized.

Unity in Diversity – We value the great and rich diversity of our local church, working together in shaping an inclusive Church.

Eucharist – The Eucharist nurtures us and strengthens our vocation to be leaven of the Kingdom of God.


Misas en español en la Diócesis de Rochester
Spanish Masses in the Diocese of Rochester

Diocesan Hispanic Ministry Resources

Recommended Resources

Migrant Ministry

Catholic Migrant Ministry is rooted in the Church’s teaching that we are all sisters and brothers in Christ and companions on the journey. We welcome migrants to our Diocese by offering them a home where they can live out their Catholic faith. As we journey together, we share in their enthusiasm with the deep belief that it can revitalize our communities. It also fosters a mutual sharing of gifts, both material and spiritual, that contributes to building the Kingdom of God together. As Pope Francis said in his message for the 108th World Day of Migrants and Refugees in 2022, “The Kingdom of God is to be built with them, for without them it would not be the Kingdom that God wants.”

Through our diocesan efforts, we support them in their journey of faith by actively reaching out to identify their needs, provide support for their faith formation and Sacramental life, promote community through opportunities that celebrate culture and diversity, and accompany them in solidarity, support and justice.

For more information regarding Migrant Ministry in the Diocese of Rochester and be a companion in the journey, visit our Diocesan Migrant Ministry website by clicking HERE.


Diocesan Webpage for Migrant and Refugee Information 2025